
by 비엠아이티



In the Gapo Logistics app, a store specializing in household goods, you can find drugs in various categories such as kitchen, bathroom, stationery/toys, pets, interior/horticulture, beauty/cosmetics, electronics/lighting, home appliances/computers, treatment, tools/hardware, cleaning, health, miscellaneous goods, etc. We handle over 12,800 products.Meet various services in Gapo Logistics app, a fast and easy household goods store!Easy order- Quick order by simple search for products of interest, recently ordered products, recently purchased products, and barcodes- High-speed product order by scanning barcode- Convenient order and delivery inquiry[Service center]Main phone number: 010-9212-8914Customer Center Consultation Hours: Weekdays: 09:00 ~ 17:00 / Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays※ Information on access rightsWe inform you about the access rights used by the service as follows.[Required access rights]· No required access rights[Optional access rights]Camera: Used when scanning barcodes※ Unauthorized rights are not acquired, and you can use the shopping mall even if you do not agree to the optional access rights.The permission setting can be changed in the mobile phone setting menu.※ If you are using a version of Android less than 6.0, you cannot individually set optional access rights, so please upgrade after checking whether the operating system can be upgraded to version 6.0 or higher using the software update function in your smartphone.